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A Message To Our Patients – COVID-19

We are taking every action possible to protect our patients, our staff and community from COVID-19.  We understand you may be anxious about keeping your appointments during this time as well as the concern you feel about your medical condition(s) and as an office we are adapting our practices in the following ways:

  1. We are still seeing patients who would like to meet with their provider face to face.  Patients, staff and physicians will wear masks during the visits.
  2. Patients will not wait in the waiting room but come back to the exam rooms to fill out their paperwork and then have their vital signs completed.  Everyone will be washing their hands or applying hand sanitizer before and after patient meetings.
  3. After the visit is completed, the staff will wipe down the room.
  4. Telemedicine: If you are not comfortable coming into the office, we are using telemedicine to communicate with our patients.  This will require use of a computer or phone with webcam and microphone capability.  Please call the office at 303-777-3333 for more details.
  5. As always, we are available to communicate with our patients through phone (303-777-3333), email (staff@kidneyasc.com) or through the patient portal (established patients only – https://www.healthtracker.com).  A patient can get an invite to sign up for the portal once they have provided us with an email address.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.


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Call us with any questions or to set up an appointment.


